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Very much an area of work that has grown organically and exists purely through request as opposed to it being a goal of mine. As it turns out, I love it and I am grateful for being asked to do it. 


These sessions can be used to focus on whatever you need really, providing I have an in depth experience of the subject and you are receptive to growing. Intuitive development and finding flow both require you to expand your consciousness and become more aware of your self and what drives you, your patterns, behaviours and choices. They can challenge your belief systems and will require you to form your own opinions, build trust in yourself and stand in your own power.



When you want to strengthen your intuitive connection we can work one to one to bring out your skills and expand your knowledge in using your individual design, oracle decks, dowsing and learning to speak your own unique language with the universe.





If you are a beginner and want to build your basic knowledge or a qualified practitioner looking to expand your methods, you can use this time to share in the benefit of my experience, explore certain crystals and practice your techniques.



Happy Girl Jumping


Sometimes no matter what you do, life  can be like wading through treacle, nothing works out. Learn how

to find your authentic self expression, take responsibility for yourself and create your own happiness in life. How to find your flow and maintain it.



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