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 Astrology Readings

An astrological chart is a map for reading the cosmos in its past, present and future cycles, a blueprint of the psyche that allows us to see deeply into ourselves, and a means of discovering the relationships between the different aspects of ourselves, and our relationship to others.

The style of readings that I offer are for the purpose of self development, reclaiming unknown or rejected parts of ourselves, gaining understanding why we behave in the ways we do, finding perspective on where we are in our own journey in this lifetime, and which challenges have passed, and which are still to come.

​An astrology reading can give us permission to be who we are, not just who we think we have to be. If you would like to dive more deeply into the wonderful combination and complexity of energy that is you, I would love to guide you.

Astonomical Clock

Birth Chart Reading

Most people will know their Sun sign, but we are never just our Sun. We are all of the planets in our solar system, they each represent a part of our personality. Mars shows us how we can harness our natural drive to achieve what we want in life, Jupiter shows us the gifts we have and where our abundance is accessed. This reading is an exploration of you and the unique way you experience life. £80

Planet and Moon

Transit check in

There are times when a full reading is not neccessary and you may feel you just need a check in of where you are at in your transits and some guidance on how best to work with them.


If we have already explored your birth chart or done a transit reading you can book in for a mini reading to keep you on track and in full presence with your life. These are approx 40mins and are £60

The Stars

Looking Forwards

As life continues to change and shift for us, so does the cosmos and the planetary energies. Reading their influence on your personal chart for the year ahead can help us know when to leap and when to hold still, what initiations we may be going through and which rewards we may be reaping. These are offered all year round and can provide a framework for your year ahead. £120

Solar Eclipse

Shadow Reading

This is a deep dive in to the shadow of the self. Each planet and sign has a healthy and unhealthy expression, we often don't see our unhealthy patterns and behaviours, as it is human nature to prefer not to own them. A shadow reading is for those who have moved beyond the need to be accepted by others and are oriented towards self acceptace. Can you look into the obsidian mirror and not reject what you see? £150

Astronomical Clock

Looking Backwards

If you would like to see the influence of the cosmos retrospectively and dive in to times of life that you would like to undertstand more, we can use the movement of the slower outer planets to see which gateways of life you have already moved through, and use that knowledge to understand how to work with it in the future. Most of our life changing transits are cyclical and have a habit of repeating themselves. £150

Crow Silhouette by Moonlight

Lunar Reading

Our Moon placement and sign shows us our internal mechanisms, patterns, habits, behaviours, emotional responses, our needs and our past. Not only how we nurture, but how we need to be nurtured ourselves. Here we look at the phase of the moon you were born on, the influences from other planets and the nodes of the moon showing our influences from previous lives, our ancestral conditions and our true North in this life. £150

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